Amelia Burke

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

Pharaohs were kings or rulers of ancient Egypt. Pharaohs were rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt. The Pharaohs were split into 30 dynasties and the dynasties vary between 300 to 500ish years. There were female Pharaohs but Pharaohs were mainly male dominated. The Pharaohs were around 3000 BC that’s around 5000 years ago. 
Did you know that Pharoah coronation can last up to 1 year with festivals and ceremonies? Peppy ll became Pharoah at the young age of 6 years old! After a Pharoah passes away the crown goes to the closest male relative. If there is a closer female it will go to her no matter the age. Pharaohs wore a gold crown fitted to their head. The crown had a cobra goddess on it. 
Pharaohs wore a lot of gold and high-priced clothing and jewellery. They often got buried with their treasures. I think the most bizarre thing is that King Tut was buried with piles of board games in his tomb! Egyptians believed you had to have fun in the after-life! 

Pharaohs were a very important part of Ancient Egypt. Would you like to be a Pharaoh? 

My Day at the Beach 
I see sea shells of all colours glistening in the sun like stars on a dark night 
I feel the golden sand seeping between my toes as I run towards the crashing waves 
I smell the salt off the fresh pack of fish and chips smothered in tomato sauce 
I hear the crashing of the sky blue waves as   they stumble onto the sand 
I taste the crunch of potato chips washed down by a plastic cup of lemonade from the dairy 

My Day at the Beach 

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