Keedan Mali

Three Gods of Ancient Egypt 

In around 4,000 BCE Was the time of the Egyptians. 
The Egyptians were an intelligent race. They made many things like math, 24 hour day, Numbers. But today we’re going to talk about three of their gods. Set, Nephthys, Osiris.  

Lets start with Set, Set is the Egyptian god of chaos, the desert, storms. Set is a god with a normal body but with a jackal (a certain dog) head. For his weapons, he has a spear, a cross with a string attached to it. Sets siblings: Nephthys, Osiris Isis, Horus.  

Next, lets do Nephthys. Nephthys is the Egyptian goddess of ancient Egypt religion. His siblings are Set, Osiris, Isis, Horus. 

Finally, Horus, Horus is one of the gods that’s one of the most significant deities, he has worshipped late prehistoric Egypt, he has the head of a falcon and a spear   
(like Set). Horus’s siblings are Set, Nephthys, Isis.  

So now that we've done our three gods. We have learned a lot. And we've only done three gods out of well... hundreds! Who knew there would be so many, and who knew Egypt was so fascinating! 

Melting of ice caps 
~ In Antartica the temperature has raised by 66.5 degrees. 
~ It would take 500 years for the ice caps to completely melt. 
~ If the ice caps would have melted already,  the entire ocean would have risen by 7 ft 7 inches!! 
~ The entire ice sheets are nearly 14 million square Kilometers. 
~ The polar ice caps have melted by 80%! 

The Greenland ice sheets cover three-quarters of the country. up to 3 km thick. The world increase global sea level by 7.2 meters If it were to melt completely.  

As a result, there was a massive drop of 300 cubic km between years 2003 and 2012. 

The bedrock forms under the ice sheet affect the size of the basins, being drained by outlet glaciers. The weight of the massive ice sheet has depressed the inside bedrock topography, showed in shades of brown, but mountains along the coast, have had avalanches up to 4.5 meters tall because of this crisis this is what has happened. 

So, try to change the climate before it's too late... 

The Knowledge Extractor 
Have you ever wondered if there could be a way to 
give others your own knowledge? Well this invention is called the knowledge extractor. Think of the possibilities of making any living being as smart as yourself? The instructions are simple. Take the living being you want to share your knowledge with then put the helmet tightly on their head. Take a sample of your blood and put it in the small box and finally watch the magic happen. 

How it works: 
The small box takes the sample, duplicates the knowledge from the blood, the brain duplicates it and injects it into the being of your choice. The knowledge doesn't immediately affect the human being. It’s a long time to process.  

Final words: 

Once the knowledge is learned the human being can extend on what has already been learnt. This has been my most prized possession and invention.

Who knows what's going to happen next?  

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