Sawyer Buschl

The Weekend 
One fine weekend, Sawyer and his family were driving over to Golden bay. The drive was about 1 hour 30 minutes to his bach. When we got there, we unpacked for the weekend ahead of us. Sawyer grabbed a rodsome bait and his bow. He walked down to the river where his kayak was and he paddled out to the ocean with his gear. Once he had gone about 20 metres out there was a big gust of wind and it was raining like someone dropped the ocean on him. There was no turning back now, he just paddled hoping to see land. He got so hungry that he had to eat some of his squid bait. It tasted horrible but he could either eat it or die of hunger. He paddled for a while and finally he came to a small island. “Finally!” he shouted in happiness. He paddled to the island and parked his kayak. It stopped raining it was all clear now. He said to himself, how will I survive on this island?” Hthen explored the small island and he found a good place to set up camp. He always carries a lighter on him so he found some drift wood and started a fire hoping that a helicopter would see the smoke and save him. But no luck! He went out hunting with his bow. He saw a boar but missed the shot, so he got his rod out but no luck the fish weren't biting he said to himself. His parents would be worried sick by now. He saw a bird, shot it with his bow and said in excitement, “HOORAY!”  Finally, food! He plucked the feathers and cut the bird up into a meal. He put the meat on a stick and roasted it like a marshmallow. It didn't taste very nice, but it was either eat it or die. He got his drink bottle and ripped some of his t-shirt ofand found a pen from his bag. He wrote hi I'm Sawyer, I’m stranded on an island and need help. After that he got out his compass. His Dad always said that the bach is North so he ate some more of that bird he shot earlier then he packed up all his stuff up and raced to his kayak. Sawyer paddled North and it took 8 hours for him to see land. He could see the river, he was so close! He was so happy when he got to the river. He parked his kayak and his family was so happy to see him 

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