Marie-Anne Stanley-Brito

Egyptian Gods. 

There were many Gods and Goddess worshipped in Ancient Egypt.  
The belief and rituals surrounding these gods formed the religion of Ancient Egypt in 3109 BC 

Ra the sun God.  
Ra was the most important God of the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was swallowed, every night by the sky goddess Nut. 

Hather - Goddess of motherhood.  
Hather was a goddess in Ancient Egypt, who played a wide variety of rules. The name Hather means estate of hours, or hose of hours.  

Isis - a caring Goddess.  
Isis is a Goddess from Ancient Egypt. Isis is a caring goddess who loved all.  
Great mother Isis was the goddess of healing, and magic was in the Ancient Egypt religious beliefs.  

Now you know about 3 different Ancient Egypt Gods. 

The Basement
I crept carefully into the basement and realised that there was something down there, waiting for me.  
Creek creek as I slowly pressed my feet onto the old wooden floorboard, I realised I was more frightened than ever. 

But I couldn’t turn around, I wanted to see what was down there.  
So I carried on walking through the thick cobwebs.  

Then I heard an unusual nose, which sounds like this “squeasqueak, creek creek, crack crack,” I screamed in horror aaaahhh!!  

I bolted up the stairs like a bullet and ran to mum screaming “the basement... the basement is haunted.  

My mum said, “no worries I'll go to the basement to see what's bothering youok?”  

I went to the basement with my mum, she turned on the light and said “was this the thing that was bothering you?”  

Yes Mum, thank you... 

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